Friday, May 11, 2007

Lil' Wings

As all of you know my girl "Wings" is having a baby. Now that my eyes have stopped jiggling, I'm actually getting happy about it. We went to go see "mrs.manuel" and we got a lot of info. So many things have changed since I had her. I was really scared and Jess is great! She figured out that the baby might be coming in the beginning of October or the beginning of November. What a sweet sixteen, huh?
She has her first appointment with the OBGYN on Wednesday. Wings will have her first Ultrasound to determine the real due date. Yea!


Sharon said...

So, now you get to go through it all again (Obviously not the delivery!) only this time through your daughter's eyes.

MrManuel said...

Good luck with it all. Glad Jess could help.

Anonymous said...

A baby. :-)It will be fun.

Mom said...

A baby is a blessing! I'm glad she is due later than we thought. Jess is good at what she does. You guys are lucky you have her looking for for you. Now, hopefully, all of you can come to the wedding! It means a lot to Cassie to have you all there! Nana