Thursday, June 14, 2007

Have You Noticed?

I have new blogs that I read! They help me express the many sides of me.

Shamans in the Raw: These people study the ancient and modern wisdom of the Earth. They help me focus on what is important, and what a blessing life is.

Hip Hop Honkies: This blog is new and very entertaining to read! These guys are funny! Although I am not, "Hip Hop," I am, however, a "honkie."

Pink Star: This blog also new and is written by a woman who is a bit like me. I LOVE the name of her blog!! She is a mom and tries to be a good person. Sometimes there are recipies!

I found these blogs one day, when I decided to just keep clicking, "next blog." Glad I did!


MrManuel said...

I'll have to check them out...

PurpleOceanMoon said...

I'm doing that right now. You are a honkie, Bitch!

Sharon said...

I'll have to check them out too! I think I'll start with Pink Star, no maybe Hip Hop Honkies!