Friday, February 23, 2007


Well, I got the job! I went in for a second interview today, and I was on the phone telling my mom, when I got a call on the other line. It was the office, and they want me to start on Monday! It's another part-timer, but with my migraines and all the troubles with Medi-Cal, Unemployment and my divorce, I think it's a good thing. Also, you can still get Unemployment in you are part-time! So I think I will be good for a while! I just need to not have migraines and illnessess, so wish me luck!


Anonymous said...

Good luck and may God Bless you and keep you safe and well always.

Crazy Bitch said...

Thanks, guys! Also, I want to clarify that this isn't the haunted mansion job. I didn't get that one:(

MrManuel said...

Wow, it looks like in the previous posts, you were really down, but it looks like things might turn around. Good luck with the new job. I hope everything goes well.