Wednesday, December 19, 2007

It's so werid!

Our blogs have a user id of course and for some reason mine only works on my cousin's site! Werid!

Well a bunch has changed in my life! There is a new Man! Yeah, things have changed here on Walton's Mountain.

His status-

Tony Palaca
Two Daughter- 23 & 19
And as sweet as pie.

He will be coming to Christmas!

Soon to come.......More pitures of Tiny's first Christmas!!!!


Anonymous said...

So when you say he's coming to Christmas does that mean he will be coming to Christmas Eve?
I want to meet him!
Love you cousin!

PurpleOceanMoon said...

He will be coming to Christmas Eve and going to chruch with us! Yea!

Love you to Cuz!

Mom said...

I can hardly wait to meet him. I want you to be happy! Love you Nana

Sharon said...

Yahoo... A new man in your life, how exciting! How did you meet?

MrManuel said...

Sorry I missed him. Boo. I am sure there will be more opportunities.

Thank you to you and Al for the christmas gifts! That was nice!

PurpleOceanMoon said...

We met at a bar down the street from my house. I already love him. He is the sweetest man. Sigh...ahh love!