Hey, people! Thought I'd write, today.
I'm not going to try and catch everyone up about what's happened in my life since I have written last. I'm just gonna write what comes to mind.
Heaven has been so wonderful to have around! She is just so little and tiny and freakin' SMART! Yesterday, she was
feeding herself bananas with a spoon! I think I remember another baby who took over feeding herself, it was, uh, me! This little gal is so awake! She knows she's alive, and she seems to know what's going on. When she is not completely happy, she will scrunch up her face and make a fake "warning" cry. She's not really crying, she's just warning you, and you better listen. She hates to be on her belly or back. She only likes sitting up or standing. She's been standing since, I believe, her first week. What a woman she'll turn out to be, eh?
My job has been going well since the asshole paralegal at my work quit. She did everything she could to get me fired, and when my boss wouldn't, she quit. She's got a worker's comp claim going now. What a bitch. We have another lady there, now. She is absolutely wonderful! She is a little older than my mom, and she is Mexican. She speaks fluent spanish, but does not even have an accent. She is very maternal towards me, and I love her back. She has two daughters slightly older than me and Jenn, so we fall right in line with each other. I am soooo happy with my job!
Christmas wasn't as good as I would've liked it to be. My back went out the week before when I woke with it out a little bit, but went Christmas shopping for four hours, anyway. By the time I woke up the next day, I was in terrible, terrible pain! I asked my dad to come and take me to the emergency room because it felt like it was on the verge of going out in a way that takes my ability to breath away, and makes me sweat. There was no way for me to get comfortable. But when dad got there, I couldn't get up into his truck. We had to call an ambulance, and I was taken by ambulance for the first time in my life.
When we got to the emergency room, they left me to stand in the waiting room for over an hour. I was clinging to the wall, crying. No one offered me a gurney or anything other than a wheelchair. I couldn't sit! I told them I couldn't sit, but they did nothing. Finally, I was taken back and was able to lie down. They gave me a shot of powerfull anti-inflamatory, and had me swallow a muscle relaxer pill. I felt better almost instantly, with that shot. But I didn't get better. By Thursday, I asked my boss if he could refer me to one of our chiropractors, (we are a personal injury office). I asked for one I could have an account with, and pay off a little at a time. My boss sent me to one of our best chiros, and told me I wouldn't have to pay. MY BOSS IS PAYING FOR ALL MY CHIROPRACTIC TREATMENTS!! Isn't he the just best?!! He told me I could go anytime I needed to, because the bill for each adjustment is only $35. I went three times, and I am pretty much all better, now. I just need to strengthen the muscles back there, now.
I'm sorry I haven't been writing. I almost stopped altogether. But I am always writing posts in my head, I just am always too tired to get back on the computer at night. Don't stop checking, though, folks. I'm hoping this year will give me wonderful things to write about. I'm hoping for a great year. Aren't we all?